In August we hit our two years in New Mexico mark. We are a couple weeks late getting our yearly by-the-Bloomfield-sign picture.
Our regular sign we've gone to before has road construction next to it so we had to go to one on one of the other roads coming into Bloomfield. This one is a bit bigger!
We really love living here and having the friends that we do.
The thing I love about you living in New Mexico is that you're not quite as far away as Utah! We just had the hottest month EVER in Arizona, plus the highest August temp ever (117) - it was a toasty one, so I'm actually looking forward to the highs in the 90's that I'm seeing in the forecast. Today's high of 104 actually seems cool - weird!
I have to get my facts right - actually, it was the hottest August ever with an average temp of 109 - the fourth hottest month ever. Any way you slice it, it was HOT!
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