We've reached another year's milestone of living here. We've now been here for three years!
Here's the picture taken right after moving here in Aug. 2009. Only three kids.
Here's the picture in Aug. 2010. Andrew joined the family.
Aug. 2011.
Currently with five kids in 2012. Brexton joined the family in June.
And yes, there are three different signs from different directions coming into Bloomfield, and we've now taken a picture at every one of them.
Dan loves his job here at Turbo Care. Leesa loves all the activities she's in as well, PTA, MOPS, teaching piano lessons, etc, etc, etc... The kids are in soccer and piano lessons, and Emmalynn clogs. Emmalynn started 3rd grade, Cassidee 1st grade, and Adam is in preschool this year. We are all healthy and happy with great friends from school and church.
Life as we know it is good.