We had a little early birthday fun for the boy who doesn't actually have a birthDAY this year. (He was born on Leap Day!) The whole group: Grandmam, Dorothy, Holly, Jack and us. Here's the fabulous cake Leesa made: He even managed to blow out the candles! He was REALLY excited to get the candy off the cake! Here's the one picture with Mommy!
Here we are at the Salmon Park in Bloomfield. Grandmama played with the kids. Here's the slide. Here's the swings. Adam, Cassee, Emmalynn, Cousin Jack, and Cousin Holly.
The voting has ended and there seems to be a tie. 18 said boy and 18 said girl. That was funny. Sorry I wasn't home much today to post this earlier. If you said girl, you were........WRONG! We are having another boy!! We have not officialized a name, so you'll have to wait on that one. I'm not due for another 4 1/2 months, so really all of us have to wait anyway! Thanks for all your votes. It made our announcement a little more FUN!